Photo by Zohar Ron
Frequently asked questions
I'm a beginner, can I join the groups?
Yes, absolutely. since I am teaching a system that is built one step upon the other - everyone needs to start with thee foundations.
The fingerings we study in lesson #2 are used extensively in the most advanced compositions.
I can't attend the live lessons, can I still take part in the groups?
Yes. After every lesson I send to all the students a google folder with the full video recording, lesson summary, sheets studied in the lesson and short videos demonstrating the homework.
How long do I need to commit to?
The commitment is for 1 month at a time. The student can choose each month wether to continue or stop.
How long is the course?
Its not a course, its a studying group. The length of the process will be determined by the group itself. normally groups meet for 12-24 months. But remember, every month you can choose to continue or to stop.
How can I get feedback on my progress?
Once every 2 weeks the students are invited to send me a video for private feedback. That is my way to stay close and follow each one's evolution.
Do I need to know to read western notation?
No you don't. We use custom notations that are super simple and everyone can read them easily.
I live in difficult economy, do you give discounts?
Yes, discounts are given to serious students who are living in difficult economies and are willing to commit for a longer period of time. Reach out to me privately and we can discuss it.
Can I attend more then one group?
Yes, some students attend 2-3 groups. as long as you have enough time to practice each instrument, you are free to choose how many groups to join.
I'm an advanced player, can I join the group later in the process?
No you can't.
I'm teaching a certain body of knowledge that has its language, notation and most importantly a mindset that develops from one lesson to the next.
Is it possible to start studying immidiately and not wait for the opening of the groups?
Yes, many students choose to study lesson recordings and not take part in a live group.
When are the next groups starting?
Most group start in September every year. some start in Janaury. follow my posts to stay updated.
Can I purchase notation for one of your solos?
Not at the moment. we are working on a platform that will enbale that option in the future.